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Subway Korea(route navigation)에 대한 정보 보기
- 이름: Subway Korea(route navigation)
- 이 앱 다운로드 링크: 여기에서 앱 다운로드
- 작가: AD(x)PLUS Inc.
- 마지막 업데이트 날짜: Mar 2, 2023
- 범주:
- Maps & Navigation
- Subway Korea(route navigation)의 직접적인 경쟁자:
- Korea Tour – Offline Maps
- Metro China Subway
- Japan Travel – Route,Map,Guide
- Rail Map / Journey planner – N
- Norikae Annai -Japan Transit-
- MyTransit NYC Subway & MTA Bus
- MEEFF – Make Global Friends
- AlarmMon – alarm, stopwatch
- 1km – Make a Friend around you
- Once -A special period tracker
- Flashlight – Brightest Light
Subway Korea(route navigation) 관련 동영상 보기
4 apps you need in Korea | Naver Map, Kakao Map, Google Maps, Subway | Korea Travel Tips
사용자 평가
- 예능 기준은 7점
- 그래픽 기준은 6포인트
- 안전 기준은 6점입니다.
- 품질 기준은 9점입니다.
- 지원 서비스 기준은 7점입니다.
- 커뮤니티 기준은 6점입니다.
“Promise of Subway (subway Korea)”
– Subway (Subway Korea) Detailed explanation –
The Subway Korea app provides the fastest and most accurate subway station timetable among all the public transit and subway map apps, just like the official subway timetable of the SMRT (Seoul Metro Rapid Transit).
The public transportation and subway timetable changes on every commuting hour, weekday, Saturday, and holiday – We will inform you of your own accurate subway route with the search algorithm that includes the know-how of the subway that has accumulated over 10 years.
Subway Korea app provides various services from public subway lines of main cities (Seoul, Busan, Taejeon, Kwangjoo, Taegu subways) to subway station surrounding area map and subway navigation function for finding path to destination. It is a must have app when travelling Korea, Seoul, Busan, Taejeon, Kwangjoo, and Taegu.
Subway destination notification and transfer station notification system added! To make sure not to miss the station while playing games or sleeping!
[The fastest, most accurate subway timeline, exactly same as the official city railway system data.]
– City railway system official data provided.
(There could be a delay or change without a previous notification by each train line management conditions.)
-Continuously update and apply the Subway Line map & Schedule
-Perfectly Supports for changeable schedules as Rush Hour, Weekday, Saturday & Sunday, Public Holiday
-Supports Main Subway Line Map (Seoul, Busan, Dae-Jeon, Gwang-Ju, & Daegu)
-Indispensable APP for Traveling Korea, Seoul, Busan, Dae-Jeon,Gwang-Ju, & Daegu
[Easy and diverse search function]
– Search for subway station by first name search
– Subway station first car, last car subway timetable, search by touch
– Shortest time route suggestion by express recommendation
– Show recently viewed station and subway route based on the search history
-Provide all-in-one search result
(total time required / fee / stopping stations / transfer time / fastest transfer route / pre-walk door / restroom in the station / first, last train time )
[The first app to apply finding a subway route with a name of a place!]
-First subway navigator providing exit information and the map
-Show the closest subway station and exit number within 1km distance along with your search for destination
– From main subway route map (Seoul subway route map, Busan subway route map, Daejun subway route map, Gwangju subway route map, Daegu subway route map), it is possible to find the exact route even to the exit number by setting the final destination.
– Essential application for traveling Korea, Seoul, Busan, Daejun, Gwangju, Daegu.
[An advanced adjustment of a function for expert users]
– Increase in speed of zoom in and out of subway map
– The first subway map application to incorporate social algorithm where users can participate to improve information on transfer stations, transfer time, exit information, delay during rush hour, duration of journey.
[Personal custom UI setting with various options]
– Provides 30 customized subway map and transfer information according to area, language and unit
– Main screen can be set: Check favorite station, frequently used route search directly from the first screen
[More than anyone! All-in-one search results]
– Subway route information: Duration of journey / Fare / Stations stopped /Transfer time / First, last train / Faster transfer car route search
– Subway station information: Door opening side / Availability of crossing to the other platform / Restroom / Feeding facility / Elevator / Facilities for disabled / Station phone number
– Exit information: Providing google maps on information near the exit, directions to the destination
This service includes In-app Purchase items, and a separate fee will be charged for purchase.
Terms of Service : https://bit.ly/38oF8eA
Privacy Policy : https://bit.ly/31Ht5rE
AD(x)PLUS Inc.에 대해 자세히 알아보기
Subway Korea(route navigation) 사진
주제 Subway Korea(route navigation) 와 관련된 39 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
여기에서 Subway Korea(route navigation)과 관련된 추가 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.
- Subway Korea (Subway route navigation) – AppRecs
- 5 Best Seoul Subway Map App For iPhone – iKream
- Must-have Apps For Visiting South Korea – Creatrip
- Subway Korea (Korea Subway route navigation) – Apps
- How to Navigate Your Way in Seoul
Subway Korea(route navigation)의 경쟁자
지금 다운로드 Korea Tour – Offline Maps 모두 무료
Why South Korea Censors its Maps
주제 Korea Tour – Offline Maps 와 관련된 17 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
지금 보기 Metro China Subway 100% 무료
The unstoppable growth of metro systems in China!
주제 Metro China Subway 와 관련된 18 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
다운로드 Japan Travel – Route,Map,Guide 모두 무료
MASTER Japan Travel In ONE Video! ULTIMATE Guide For Japan Google Maps
주제 Japan Travel – Route,Map,Guide 와 관련된 36 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
정보 Rail Map / Journey planner – N 100% 무료
Which Route Planner is Best for Japan Rail Pass Users?
주제 Rail Map / Journey planner – N 와 관련된 24 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
정보 Norikae Annai -Japan Transit- 모두 무료
Which Route Planner is Best for Japan Rail Pass Users?
주제 Norikae Annai -Japan Transit- 와 관련된 34 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
다운로드 MyTransit NYC Subway & MTA Bus 무료로
MyTransit NYC for Android – App Video Trailer
주제 MyTransit NYC Subway & MTA Bus 와 관련된 23 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
새로 업데이트됨 MEEFF – Make Global Friends 모두 무료
Top 10 Make Global Friends Android App | Review
주제 MEEFF – Make Global Friends 와 관련된 16 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
정보 AlarmMon – alarm, stopwatch 무료로
Global Game Alarm, AlarmMon
주제 AlarmMon – alarm, stopwatch 와 관련된 8 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
정보 1km – Make a Friend around you 무료로
【Eng Sub】《解锁末世的99个女主》第一季第01-40集(合集)——觉醒系统,杀丧尸爆黄金,展开救世之旅!
주제 1km – Make a Friend around you 와 관련된 10 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
다운로드 Once -A special period tracker 무료로
주제 Once -A special period tracker 와 관련된 46 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
지금 보기 Flashlight – Brightest Light 무료로
Worlds Brightest Flashlight off a SKYSCRAPER
주제 Flashlight – Brightest Light 와 관련된 45 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
이 게임에 대한 사용자 의견
Subway Korea(route navigation)에 총 613개의 댓글이 있습니다.
- 890 매우 멋진 댓글
- 좋은 댓글 106개
- 224 일반 의견
- 37 나쁜 리뷰
- 33 매우 나쁜 리뷰
주제 기사 Subway Korea(route navigation) 읽기를 마쳤습니다. 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 다른 사람들과 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다.
관련 기사: 새로 업데이트된 Subway Korea(route navigation)에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기에서 확인하세요