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지금보기 Djvu Reader & Viewer 100% 무료

“DjVu Reader & Viewer” 주제에 대한 정보를 찾고 있습니다. depvoithiennhien.com은(는) 이 문서의 질문에 답변하기 위해 정보를 합성합니다. 보고 싶은 정보를 찾으려면 이 기사를 끝까지 읽으십시오. 여기에서 다른 관련 기사를 확인할 수도 있습니다: 새로 업데이트된 기사 296+개 WinDjView, DJVU reader online, DjVu Reader Windows 10, DjVu, DjVu download, Djvu là gì, Djvu mac, DjVu viewer Download.

DjVu Reader & Viewer에 대한 정보 보기


  • 이름: DjVu Reader & Viewer
  • 이 앱 다운로드 링크: 여기에서 앱 다운로드
  • 작가: Android Tools (ru)
  • 마지막 업데이트 날짜: Mar 15, 2023
  • 범주:
    1. Books & Reference
  • DjVu Reader & Viewer의 직접적인 경쟁자:
    1. MCBox — skins for minecraft
    2. Skin Maker for Minecraft
    3. Skins Pack for Minecraft
    4. Comic Book Reader (cbz/cbr)
    5. System app remover
    6. Live Minecraft Wallpaper 3D

DjVu Reader & Viewer 관련 동영상 보기

Как открыть файл DJVU на компьютере

사용자 평가

  • 예능 기준은 9점
  • 그래픽 기준은 6포인트
  • 안전 기준은 9점입니다.
  • 품질 기준은 7점입니다.
  • 지원 서비스 기준은 8점입니다.
  • 커뮤니티 기준은 6점입니다.


DjVu Reader & Viewer 🗂 is the fastest and most convenient reader of DjVu files and documents for electronic portable devices 📱 You can download DjVu Reader absolutely for free ❗ DjVu reader for Android is designed to read DjVu formats quickly and conveniently 👍
📑 DjVu (a format that resembles PDF in its purpose) is a popular image compression technology designed to store scanned documents that contain a large number of formulas, diagrams, drawings, and handwritten characters, making their full recognition extremely time-consuming. DjVu files 🔮 unlike PDF files, are usually large in size, which requires time to download them. The DjVu reader allows you to view DjVu files quickly without spending a long time loading images, because our DjVu Reader is a very powerful DjVu viewer 📚
Reader for DjVu is very light and simple. Just download the DjVu reader for Android and read anywhere, DjVu Reader works in offline mode 👜
If you need to read DjVu documents, the DjVu Reader & Viewer is an excellent solution to your question. All you need to do is download DjVu Reader to your device 📑 launch it, and then DjVu reader will do everything itself.
💡 The Functionality Of DjVu Reader & Viewer:
💜 search for all DjVu files in the device storage by folders that the user is allowed to access;
🟣 search for the DjVu file name of the document or book you are looking for in the catalog;
💜 read e-books, documents, journals, manuscripts, and any DjVu files at any time;
🟣 excellent support for deleting DjVu documents from the list of found DjVu files;
💜 setting up a list of directories that DjVu Reader for Android will scan on your device;
🟣 ability to share and send DjVu files to other users via email or in any messenger installed on your device;
💜 setting up horizontal and vertical scrolling for reading a DjVu document;
🟣 quick navigation through the pages of a DjVu document;
💜 display reading progress in the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen;
🟣 save the progress of reading a book, document, or magazine in DjVu format.
DjVu document compression technology has created the basis for several popular scientific libraries for storing historical documents and artifacts 📌 Therefore, our DjVu Reader for Android is a great tool for history buffs or researchers, that is, for everyone for whom not only the content of the DjVu document is important, but also the color and texture of the paper, parchment defects: cracks, traces of folding, handwritten notes and blotches 📚
We are very happy with your initiatives, please write to us about what you would like to see in our DjVu Reader & Viewer, we are always open 🙂
If you want to support our project, the app has a function of the same name, we will be grateful 🤎

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DjVu Reader & Viewer 사진

주제 DjVu Reader & Viewer 와 관련된 33 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

Djvu Reader & Viewer - Apps On Google Play
Djvu Reader & Viewer – Apps On Google Play

여기에서 DjVu Reader & Viewer과 관련된 추가 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.

DjVu Reader & Viewer의 경쟁자

새로 업데이트됨 MCBox — skins for minecraft 100% 무료

using mcbox do skins

주제 MCBox — skins for minecraft 와 관련된 30 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

Mcbox — Skins For Minecraft - Apps On Google Play
Mcbox — Skins For Minecraft – Apps On Google Play
Mcbox — Skins For Minecraft - Apps On Google Play
Mcbox — Skins For Minecraft – Apps On Google Play

지금 다운로드 Skin Maker for Minecraft 모두 무료

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주제 Skin Maker for Minecraft 와 관련된 46 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

3D Skins Maker For Minecraft - Apps On Google Play
3D Skins Maker For Minecraft – Apps On Google Play
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Minecraft Skin Maker: How To Make Your Own Skins
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Minecraft Skin Editor | How To Make And Upload Your Own Custom Skins | Radio Times

정보 Skins Pack for Minecraft 무료로

440+ SKINS // Minecraft HD Cosmetics Pack

주제 Skins Pack for Minecraft 와 관련된 23 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

정보 Comic Book Reader (cbz/cbr) 100% 무료

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주제 Comic Book Reader (cbz/cbr) 와 관련된 46 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

Comic Book Reader (Cbz/Cbr) – Apps On Google Play
Comic Book Reader (Cbz/Cbr) – Apps On Google Play

다운로드 System app remover 무료로

How to Remove System Apps from Android Mobile without root

주제 System app remover 와 관련된 44 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

지금 다운로드 Live Minecraft Wallpaper 3D 무료로

This Cool Animated Theme is for MINECRAFT Lovers 🔥🔥🔥

주제 Live Minecraft Wallpaper 3D 와 관련된 32 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

이 게임에 대한 사용자 의견

DjVu Reader & Viewer에 총 128개의 댓글이 있습니다.

  • 335 매우 멋진 댓글
  • 좋은 댓글 841개
  • 201 일반 의견
  • 29 나쁜 리뷰
  • 43 매우 나쁜 리뷰

주제 기사 DjVu Reader & Viewer 읽기를 마쳤습니다. 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 다른 사람들과 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다.

관련 기사: 새로 업데이트된 DjVu Reader & Viewer에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기에서 확인하세요

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